Topics: General English -technology - AI - hobbies - mental health
Level: A2 and above
Skills: Listening and Speaking
Link to the ads: Crush! | iPad Pro | Apple / Creativity cannot be crushed | Samsung Galaxy Tab S9
Link to the song: All I Ever Need Is You by Sonny & Cher
To talk about things we use in our everyday life
To discuss the concepts of necessity and possessions
To talk about technology and the items it has replaced
To listen to a song for gist and for detail
To express opinions and reactions towards the topic
To develop critical thinking skills (compare/contrast ads, analyze purpose and message in ads)
To work on emergent language
To choose a final task based on students’ interests and needs
Use of language & lexis:
To use different tenses to talk about past and present experiences about the topic
To learn / review vocabulary about technology and the song
To learn / review adjectives to describe ads and songs
To learn / review phrases for description (there is / there are / I can see...)
To learn / review prepositions from the song
To review comparatives and superlatives
To work on pronunciation and connected speech (linking, weak forms, elision, etc.)
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