Topics: General English - news - fake news
Level: A2 and above
Skills: Speaking and Reading
Links to news stories: Kid trapped in a claw machine / Mouse tidying up shed
Link to infographic: Misinformation, Disinformation, and Propaganda: Fake News Infographic
Link to quiz: Fake or Real? The all-new NewsWise headlines quiz!
To talk about news stories
To spot real and fake news
To use news headlines and visuals to predict a news story
To check information and sources
To read an infographic
To make up a fake news story
To look for an unusual news story on the internet
To develop visual literacy skills
To develop critical thinking skills
To develop creative thinking skills
To work on emergent language
Use of language & lexis:
To use present and past tenses to talk about news stories
To learn / review vocabulary related to news (some news / a piece of news / news story)
To learn / review expressions to give opinions
Learn / review Second Conditional (optional)
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