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Foto del escritor: Silvina MascittiSilvina Mascitti

Actualizado: 10 ago 2022

Topics: General English - sports - football - diversity and inclusion

Level: A2+ and above

Skills: Speaking, Reading and Listening.


  • To talk about football.

  • To talk about diversity and inclusion in sports. (e.g. Paralympic games)

  • To explain how games are played.

  • To compare and contrast information from a text and a video.

  • To listen for gist and for detail (depending on level).

  • To express opinion, feelings and preferences.

Use of language & lexis:

  • To use Simple Present and Present Continuous to describe pictures.

  • To use Simple Past to talk about past events.

  • To use Present Perfect to talk about recent events and experiences. (optional - lower levels can skip it or use lexical chunks)

  • To use passive voice to explain how games are played. (optional for higher levels)

  • To use modal verbs of probability to make predictions.

  • To learn / review language for description (I can see, there is/there are, prepositions, etc.)

  • To learn / review vocabulary related to sports and football.

  • To learn / review vocabulary related to disabilities (blind (as opposed to sighted), visually impaired, disabled, to be in a wheelchair, etc.)

Special thanks to my dear friend and colleague Dr. Amina Douidi for reviewing this material! :)

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