Topics: Business English - work-life balance - commute
Level: A2 and above
Skills: Speaking and Listening
Link to song:
Link to song - bossa version: Manic Monday - Bossa
Link to song lyrics:
To express opinions and feelings towards Mondays
To reflect on work-life balance
To predict information before listening to a song
To listen for gist and for detail
To work on song rhymes
To talk about favorite and least favorite days of the week
To compare and contrast students’ own routines with the song
To plan an ideal Monday at work
Use of language, lexis & pronunciation:
To use present and past tenses tp talk about the topic
To review negative forms of present tenses and modal verbs
To learn language to express wishes: I wish I had / it was...
To work on vocabulary related to work routine and commute
To work on pronunciation and short forms from the song
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