Topics: Business English - working conditions - work-life balance
Level: B1+ and above
Skills: Speaking, Listening and Reading
Link to TikTok video:
Link to CNC video:
Link to article:
To talk about working conditions, burnout and work-life balance.
To define the concept "quiet quitting".
To use visual aids to engage students and activate prior knowledge.
To predict information and infer meaning from context.
To watch a video about the topic and retell some main ideas. (listening for gist)
To listen for detail.
To express personal opinion about the topic.
To put ourselves in others' shoes and express opinion,
To read an article on quiet quitting (optional).
Use of language & lexis:
To use Simple Present to talk about routines.
To use Simple Past to talk about past experiences.
To learn / review vocabulary to talk about jobs and working conditions.
To learn / review collocations related to the topic.
Note: Teacher's notes coming soon! I've just made this lesson plan for a class I have tomorrow! :)