Topics: Business English - complaints - work-life balance
Level: B1 and above
Skills: Listening and Speaking
Link to video: The art of complaining at work - News4JAX
To talk about complaints at work
To predict information before listening
To listen for gist and for detail
To develop listening decoding skills
To express opinions and reactions towards the topic
To choose a follow-up task (speaking, writing, reading, listening)
To work on emergent language
Use of language, lexis & pronunciation:
To use different verb tenses to talk about complaints
To learn / review vocabulary to talk about complaints
To learn / review collocations with the verb”to complain” and the noun “complaint”
To learn / review pronunciation of unvoiced /ʃ/ sounds
To work on intonation and word stress
To learn / review some elements of connected speech for listening: linking, elision, weak forms, etc. (optional)
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