Topics: General English - persuasion - sitcom
Level: B1 and above
Skills: Speaking and Listening
Link to videos: 3x12 Sheldon wears Hulk's hands
To talk about qualities of a persuasive person
To talk about different persuasion techniques
To predict information before watching the video from Tje Big Bang Theory
To listen for gist and for detail
To develop decoding listening skills
To work on inference
To express opinion and reaction
To roleplay a conversation to persuade a person to do something we want
Use of language & lexis:
To use different verb tenses to express present and past events related to persuasion
To learn / review some vocabulary about the topic (to convince/persuade sb to do sth., to want sb to do sth, argument, plea, threat, invocation, supplication, bribe, to bribe, bribery, manipulation, etc.)
To learn / review some phrases to persuade people
Photo by Michèle Eckert on Unsplash