Topics: Business English - commute - means of transport
Level: A2 and above
Skills: Listening and Speaking
Links to audio & video: The Commute ( -
To define the concept of commuting
To talk about students' commute
To compare Tokyo trains with students' train systems
To listen for gist and for detail
To develop listening decoding skills
To express opinions and reactions towards the topic
To work on emergent language
To choose a follow-up task according to students' interests and needs
To analyze memes and cartoons about the commute (optional)
Use of language, lexis & pronunciation:
To use different tenses to takk about commute experiences
To learn / review comparatuves and superlatives
To learn / review vocabulary about the commute (means of transport)
To learn / review adjectives to describe means of transport and commute
To work on connected speech (optional: linking, weak forms)
Note: I didn't make Teacher's notes as this lesson is simple and quite self-explanatory. Feel free to contact me if you have any question or you'd like to give me some constructive feedback! :) Typos have been corrected!!!