Topics: General English – storytelling – emotions
Level: B1+ and above
Skills: Speaking, Listening, Writing
To discuss the importance and purpose of storytelling throughout time.
To talk about the elements of good stories.
To predict information before watching a video.
To practice short role-play situations.
To discuss the importance of emotions in storytelling.
To listen for gist and detail.
To write a short story in a limited period of time.
(Optional) To prepare an oral story to tell next class using all they learned in this lesson.
Use of language & lexis:
To use Simple Present to tell stories.
To use Simple Past to talk about the use of storytelling in the past.
To work on vocabulary chunks before listening.
To learn / review the use of inversion. (advanced learners)
To learn / review the use of fillers and colloquial expressions in spoken English.
To review sequence of events in storytelling.
Link to video:Pixar in a Box: Introduction to Storytelling